Standard No. 25

Documentation and Data:

UUCoP Assessment Plan 2021

UUCoP Committee Assignments 2020-2021

UUCoP List of Curriculum Committee Accomplishments over Past 3 Years

UUCoP 2019 Curricular Mapping and Assessment Committee Report

UUCoP 2020 Curricular Map and Assessment Committee Report

UUCoP Survey Report November 2020

UUCoP Grant Funding 2015-2019

UUCoP 2017-2020 Publication Record for Full-Time Faculty

UUCoP Assessment Plan 2021

UUCoP Combined Meeting of Curriculum and Assessment Committee

UUCoP Outcome Assessment Student Achievement of Learning Objectives for Core Didactic Course Work

UUCoP Student GPA Data Summary

Data Views and Standardized Tables:

UUCoP 2020 Graduating Student Survey

UUCoP 2020 Faculty Survey

UUCoP 2020 Preceptor Survey

UUCoP 2020 Alumni Survey

UUCoP 2020 Graduating Student Survey Summary Report

UUCoP 2020 Faculty Survey Summary Report

UUCoP 2020 Preceptor Survey Summary Report

UUCoP 2020 Alumni Survey Summary Report


Appendix 25.1 UUCoP College Committee Assignments 2020-2021

Appendix 25.2.1 UUCoP 2020 Curricular Map and CAPE Outcomes Graphs

Appendix 25.2.2 UUCoP 2019 Curricular Map and CAPE Outcomes Graphs

Appendix 25.3 UUCoP Assessment Plan

Appendix 25.4 UUCoP Career Counseling Form

Appendix 25.5 UUCoP Department of Medicinal Chemistry RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 25.6 UUCoP Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 25.7 UUCoP Department of Pharmacotherapeutics RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 25.8 UUCoP Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 25.9-Henchey C et al. Fostering PharmD Skills Related to Research and Quality Improvement Through Mentored Projects. Am J Pharm Educ. 2020 Sep-84(9)-ajpe7940

Appendix 25.10-Nyman H, et al. A Modeling Exercise to Identify Predictors of Student Readiness for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Am J Pharm Educ. 2020 May-84(5)-7783

Appendix 25.11-Tak C, et al. Modeling Doctor of Pharmacy Students’ Stress, Satisfaction, and Professionalism Over Time. Am J Pharm Educ. 2019 Nov-83(9)-7432
