Standard No. 19

Documentation and Data:

UUCoP 2020 Faculty Research Publication 

UUCoP 2017-2020 Publication Record for Full-Time Faculty

UUCoP Procedures to Promote Conceptual Understanding of Contemporary Practice

UUCoP Academic Affairs Faculty Handbook

Data Views and Standardized Tables:

UUCoP Distribution of Full-Time Pharmacy Faculty by Rank, Gender, and Race-Ethnicity
UUCoP Distribution of Full-Time Pharmacy Faculty by Rank and Highest Degree Earned
UUCoP Distribution of Full-Time Pharmacy Faculty by Rank and Tenure Status
UUCoP Distribution of Full-Time Pharmacy Faculty by Department and Tenure Status
UUCoP Research and Scholarly Activity of Full-Time Faculty by Department


Appendix 19.1 UUCoP Department of Medicinal Chemistry RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 19.2 UUCoP Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 19.3 UUCoP Department of Pharmacotherapeutics RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 19.4 UUCoP Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry RPT Guideline Document

Appendix 19.5 UUCoP Department of Pharmacotherapy Clinical Track Guideline Document

Appendix 19.6 UUCoP Department of Pharmacotherapy Unpaid Adjunct Faculty Appointment Reappointment Guideline Document

Appendix 19.7 UUCoP College Council Presentation of Current Pharmacy Practice

Appendix 19.8 UUCoP aggregate summary of faculty publications-presentations over the past three years

Appendix 19.9 Henchey C et al. Fostering PharmD Skills Related to Research and Quality Improvement Through Mentored Projects. Am J Pharm Educ. 2020 Sep- 84(9)-ajpe7940

Appendix 19.10 Nyman H, et al. A Modeling Exercise to Identify Predictors of Student Readiness for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Am J Pharm Educ. 2020 May- 84(5)-7783

Appendix 19.11 Tak C, et al. Modeling Doctor of Pharmacy Students’ Stress, Satisfaction, and Professionalism over Time. Am J Pharm Educ. 2019 Nov-83(9)-7432
