Standard No. 04

Documentation and Data:

Outcome assessment data summarizing students’ overall assessment of professionalism

Outcome assessment data summarizing students’ overall achievement of leadership

Outcome assessment data summarizing students’ overall achievement of self-awareness

Outcome assessment data summarizing students’ overall achievement of creative thinking

Examples of curricular and co-curricular experiences available to students to document developing competence in affective-domain-related experiences of Standard 4

Description of tools utilized to capture students reflections on person and professional growth and development

Description of processes by which students are guided to develop a commitment to continuous professional development and to self-directed lifelong learning

Outcome assessment data of student achievement of learning objectives for didactic course work.

UUCoP GPA Data Summary for Students

Overall assessment data summarizing overall student achievement of learning objectives for introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPE)

Overall assessment data summarizing overall student achievement of learning objectives for advance pharmacy practice experiences (APPE)


Appendix 4.1 UUCoP Professional Development Seminar and Student Mentoring P3 and P4 Years

Appendix 4.2 UUCoP Professional Development Mentoring Combined Forms 2020-21

Appendix 4.3 UUCoP Standard 3 and 4 Co-Curricular Activities 2020-21

Appendix 4.4 UUCoP Year End Student Self-Assessment Competency Scores for Standard 3 Approach to Practice and Care between P1 and P2 2019

Appendix 4.5 UUCoP Year End P3 and P4 Student Self-Assessment Competency Comparison Data for Standard 4 Personal and Professional Development
