Standard No. 03

Documentation and Data:

UUCoP IPE Course Offerings 2020-21

Outcome Assessment Data of student achievement of learning objectives for didactic course work

UUCoP GPA Data Summary for Students.xlsx

Overall assessment data summarizing overall student achievement of learning objectives for introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPE)

Overall assessment data summarizing overall student achievement of learning objectives for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE)

UUCoP Outcome Assessment Data of Overall Student Participation in IPE Activities
UUCoP Standard 3 Co-curricular Activities

UUCoP Year End Student Self-Assessment Survey

Outcome assessment data of student achievement of problem-solving and critical thinking
Outcome assessment data of student ability to communicate professionally

Outcome assessment data of student ability to advocate for patients

Outcome assessment data of student ability to educate others

Outcome assessment data of student achievement of learning objectives for didactic course work


Appendix 3.1.1 UUCoP 2018 Curricular Map and CAPE Outcomes Graphs
Appendix 3.1.2 UUCoP 2019 Curricular Map and CAPE Outcomes Graphs
Appendix 3.1.3 UUCoP 2020 Curricular Map and CAPE Outcomes Graphs

Appendix 3.2 UUCoP PHARM 5140-Foundations of Patient Centered Care I

Appendix 3.3 UUCoP PHARM 5141-Community Practice

Appendix 3.4 UUCoP PHARM 6240-Drug Information and Literature Evaluation I and II

Appendix 3.5 UUCoP PHARM 6252-Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics I

Appendix 3.6 UUCoP PHARM 6253-Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics II

Appendix 3.7 UUCoP PHARM 7355-Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics III

Appendix 3.8 UUCoP PHARM 7341 Advanced Therapeutics FINAL

Appendix 3.9 UUCoP PHARM 5150 P1 Fall Recitation FINAL

Appendix 3.10 UUCoP PHARM 5151 P1 Spring Recitation FINAL

Appendix 3.11 UUCoP PHARM 6250 P2 Fall Recitation FINAL

Appendix 3.12 UUCoP PHARM 6251 P2 Spring Recitation FINAL

Appendix 3.13 UUCoP PHARM 7350 P3 Fall Recitation FINAL

Appendix 3.14 UUCoP PHARM 7352 Principles of Project Development

Appendix 3.15 UUCoP PHARM 7851 Project Development Practicum I

Appendix 3.16 UUCoP PHARM 7852 Project Development Practicum II

Appendix 3.17 UUCoP PHARM 7853 Project Development Practicum III

Appendix 3.18 Manuscript – Fostering Pharm.D. Project Research through a Faculty and Community Based Program AJPE 7940

Appendix 3.19 UUCoP PHARM 5145 Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory I

Appendix 3.20 UUCoP PHARM 5146 Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory II

Appendix 3.21 UUCoP PHARM 6247 Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory III

Appendix 3.22 UUCoP PHARM 6248 Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory IV

Appendix 3.23 UUCoP PHARM 7349 Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory V

Appendix 3.24 UUCoP Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory Sequence_EPA_OSCE_Map July 2020
Appendix 3.25 UUCoP IPPE Core Community and Institutional Manual 2020-2021
Appendix 3.26 UUCoP APPE Manual 2019-2020

Appendix 3.27 UUCoP PHARM 5142-Foundations of Pharmacy – Law-Ethics-Risk Mitigation

Appendix 3.28 UUCoP PHARM 5142 Shared Decision Making – Privacy and Confidentiality

Appendix 3.29 UUCoP PHARM 5142 Role of Pharmacy – Integration of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Application

Appendix 3.30 UUCoP PHARM 5143 Foundation of Pharmacy Practice II-Community Agency Practicum

Appendix 3.31 UUCoP PHARM 5143 Foundation of Pharmacy Practice II Orientation Manual 2020

Appendix 3.32 UUCoP IPE Course Offerings 2020-21
Appendix 3.33 UUCoP Standard 3 co-Curricular Activities 2019-2020

Appendix 3.34 UUCoP PHARM 6733 and 6743 Interprofessional Student Hotspotting Elective

Appendix 3.35 UUCoP PHARM 7342-U.S. Health Care Policy
